Community Implementation
Since 2016, over 150 individuals within community resource organizations have been trained as facilitators in the evidence-based prevention intervention, Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC). This intervention has been implemented within various community settings throughout Ohio, serving both youth and adults impacted by incarceration.

Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC) Implementation
In 2019, four community organizations joined together in the Initiative’s first implementation learning community or Community of Practice (CoP) to strengthen the impact of their community programs. The Implementation Community of Practice is a funded opportunity for organizations to receive training and technical assistance with planning, evaluation, and sustaining their respective programs while also building capacity through peer to peer networking and learning. The success of this model has led to offering the opportunity on yearly basis and is currently serving its sixth cohort of participants. Watch the video to hear from the first cohort of participants.
If you are interested in participating in an Implementation Community of Practice, request more information below.
OhioCIP Community of Practice

Participate in the 6-month CoP through our RFP. Attend our virtual CIP Spotlight Information Session or connect with us for more information. Check out our calendar for the next CIP Spotlight session.

As part of the CoP, participants have access to our team to assist and answer any questions. Twice monthly virtual “office hours” or drop-in meetings make connecting easy. Support is available to you so you never have to feel alone in the work you do.

With our innovative evaluation tool, you won’t have to stress about how to get your outcomes. Our free tool does it for you. Use the data you’ve generated to garner the support of funding agencies so you can build on your success and continue to transform lives.

Support doesn’t end once the 6 months are up! Our Alumni group is free to join and comes with additional training and resources to help you continue your work. Trainings on topics such as grants, prevention credentialing, and organizational management assist in building sustainability.

Training Sessions
Not interested in the CoP? That’s ok! Training is available for those who wish to facilitate the CLFC. We offer two options for training in this program:
Find a Training
Training sessions are held periodically, complete our form and we’ll get back to you soon!
Host a Training
Are you part of an organization interesting in hosting your own training? If you don’t see a session that fits your schedule, contact us.